What wood to use for different types of meat during your braai

What wood to use for different types of meat during your braai

by Netbraai July 9, 2024. Articles.

A braai is a favorite pastime in South Africa and the wood you use can make a big difference to the smell and texture of your meat. Here's a guide on which types of wood are best for different types of meat, techniques to optimize your braai, and how the types of wood affect the taste of the meat.

Types of Wood and their Aromas

  1. Kameeldoring:

Aroma: Neutral, sweet scent 

Meat: Perfect for beef, game, and lamb 

Usage: Kameeldoring burns slowly and provides a constant heat, making it ideal for longer grilling sessions. It adds a subtle sweetness to the meat without overpowering the natural flavors.

  1. Rooikrans


Aroma: Smoky, earthy scent 

Meats: Chicken, pork, and seafood 

Usage: Rooikrans's smoke gives off a strong, distinctive flavor that works wonderfully with lighter meats like chicken and pork. It's also great for seafood, as it enhances the delicate flavors.

  1. Sekelbos

 Aroma: Sweet and aromatic 

Meat: Lamb, sausages, and burgers 

Usage: Sekelbos is known for its sweet smoke that gives a wonderful flavor to lamb and sausages. It's an excellent choice for quick barbecues like burgers.

  1. Wingerdstok (Vineyard Wood)


Aroma: Fruity and subtle

Meat: Pork and chicken

Use: Vineyard wood gives a light, fruity scent that works great with white meat like chicken and pork. It burns quickly, so keep an eye on your fire to prevent it from burning too fast.

Braai Techniques 

Direct Heat:

Use for: Steaks, chops, and sausages 

Method: Place the meat directly over the coals for a quick, intense grill. This is perfect for thinner cuts that cook quickly and develop a nice crust. 

Indirect Heat:

Use for: Large cuts like whole chicken, leg of lamb, and ribs 

Method: Place the meat to the side of the fire and cover it with the lid. This creates an oven-like environment that cooks the meat slowly, which is ideal for larger cuts that need time to cook through. 


 Use for: Ribs, brisket, and other slow-cooked cuts 

Method: Add pieces of wood or sawdust to the coals to create a smoky effect. Keep the lid on to trap the smoke inside, giving the meat time to absorb the deep, smoky flavors.

Suggestions for Braai with Different Types of Wood

Beef with Kameeldoring

 Suggestion: Marinate your steaks in a simple mixture of olive oil, garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper. Braai over Kameeldoring for a rich, natural aroma.

Chicken with Rooikrans

 Suggestion: Use a dry rub of paprika, cumin, garlic powder and salt. Braai over Rooikrans and baste regularly with a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil.

Lamb with Sekelbos

Suggestion: Marinate lamb chops in a mixture of lemon juice, olive oil, garlic and thyme. Braai over Sekelbos for a lovely sweet smoky aroma that complements the rich taste of the lamb.

Pork with Wingerdstok

Suggestion: Marinate pork chops in apple cider vinegar, brown sugar, mustard and garlic. Braai over Wingerdstok wood for a subtle fruity aroma that complements the pork.

Conclusion: A braai is more than just a meal; it's an opportunity to hang out and enjoy. By choosing the right wood, you can enhance the flavor of your meat and take your braai to a new level. Try these types of wood and techniques and discover how each one can elevate the taste of your favorite meats.

Netbraai platform is a melting pot of braai enthusiasts, food lovers, and passionate locals who share a common love for gathering around the fire. Here, they honor the art of braai, sharing recipes, techniques, and stories that have been passed down through generations, creating a tapestry of flavors unique to South Africa.

Web: https://netbraai.com/

Email: info@netbraai.co.za

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